experience below

fini maizaan..the new horizon of poetry

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Territories ! Where do I stand free?

Mars is ours and Jupiter theirs ,
Some claim their bounds with pride indeed;
Yet who are we so weak , thus souls,
To claim a spec of earth?
Hath human kind changed day , to night;
Had they done so with brain or swords?

Eve gave birth to human kind,the human kind;
Yellow, brown, black or white,
And was a time there , bounds unknown,
As then believed the human kind,
That land beneath or far apart,
Is only owned by God alone.

As colonies of ants then multiplied,the human kind,
As child when walks forgets the cradled time,
The human kind too, learnt; unlearned,
The truth of its own kind and claimed as God,
Then marked their bounds with walls or swords,
Swords that grew their bounds ahead with every thrust.

As swords that knew no mercy nor kinship ties,
They guarded their plots fiercely as lions or dogs;
Today we say its map of world, with pride lit bright,
Lands of whites, yellows, blacks or browns,
We claim the lands as ours alone,
At end of breaths, burried or burnt ,we have no right to claim a land.

Here I stand amidst the borderline ,
Where you're sealed step in or out,
Where you feel no more alien than on Jupiter or mars;
Here are the lines which know no respect, for human kind,
Though souls alike with flesh and blood,
The purest soul crosses the lines to either side with fear and guilt.

At aftermath we claimed alike, no more we fight,
We've lost more souls than land we gained;
Lets put aside our guns and cannons,
And live in peace till end of times;
Yet more listeners had questions,
Was it peace or fair partitions?

From stone age we began to reach the age of information,
From flint we lit to learn nuclear reaction;
Now a click or glance could change denominations,
Enslaving art took new shape through creative creations;
Hatred , ruthlessness , unlawful laws take power coloured with defamation,
With colours anew , yet continue colonisation.

Barracks , barricades , barbed wire and walls,
Cards, papers,letters and scrolls;
All agents of barrier and restrictions,
If today has no meaning for colonial giants,
Thus now they learnt from what's unlearned ;
Is the world at fringe of unforseen revolution?

They blame people for colour , religion or race,
Though non is a class of mass terrorising ,
Sources of unity has no connotation,
When there is no scope for recrimination ;
The only hope is a call for the great revolution,
That help man traverse free of restrictions.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Oh! Little Eliza-To mourn loss of a friend

Jeanne Calment , Shigechiyo Izumi , Sarah Knauss,

MarĂ­a Capovilla, Lucy Hannah , Marie-Louise ,

Tane Ikai ,Elizabeth Bolden , Carrie White, Charlotte Hughes,

Christian Mortensen, , Kamato Hongo , Maggie Barnes,

Crossed beyond a century for certain;

Had they consumed from cup of life?

Legends and tales speak of immortality,

But we see no man had made this far from time of magic.

Tyrants, warlords and great many kings,

Remained at the mercy of sorcerers as legends tell;

Hoping for a cup, water or stone to make them immortal,

To live through ages with power and glory.

Some were harsh and cruel, to weak,

And they for certain deserve not to live.

Such tyrannical stain had to be wiped,

To keep the earth pure and safe for all that live.

Little Eliza or her beautiful mother;

Had done no harm for a soul living or dead;

T’was an earthquake with no warning bell;

The little girl woke up to a day of sorrow;

She never knew her mom wouldn’t see the day.

If she’d known she must have kissed her,

More than a century’s kisses would fill.

Alas! She won’t see mom’s cute face in mornings to come.

Does she deserve a life so empty?

Does she deserve a plate with half the love served?

Only if we’re left with a choice we could decide,

Yet, it’s never a choice for us to make.

I too was hit by the same strong fist,

And I carried the pain throughout my life;

We now share a pain and a path,

That unite us, never to depart.

This is as usual the New Year’s eve;

And her mom’s birthday has hardly passed,

She’d seek good prayers from a friend always;

To commence the year in a holy way.

The friend waited in the hope she’d ask;

But this time she seems a little well off;

With a step or two closer to God;

She can now say her prayers at God’s gateway.

Eternity is now her path,

Friends who dwell here lets unite,

And pray for blessings for her good deeds,

And pray that she drinks from the sacred stream,

And pray she dwells in gardens blessed,

And hope one day that we can seek,

A path as blessed that she may seek;

And meet again in the gardens blessed.

Oh! Little Eliza cry thee less;

For we can’t say you should not cry.

Yet, be content you have good arms;

To guard you through your life ahead.

Though you feel your mom no more,

You live together in the words I wrote,

And she’ll live right there! In your heart,

As long as you can breathe on earth.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A smile brings joy back to life

Solitude captured my life,
Loneliness conquered my strength,
Felt like drums in my heart,
Blood and tears as childhood buddies,
Combined their forces for a strong thrust,
Alas! I could withhold no more.

The cry within though soft and unheard,
Had a pitch of sorrow so high it reached;
Angels praying in skies above;
They prayed for glee for this cheerless soul.
All Merciful, All Kind and All Mighty;
Never failed to hear a genuine soul.

Something’s missing,
But what is it?
Something to bring back joy in life!
A teardrop fell on my palm upright;
I looked at it and saw a smile;
A gentle smile of a cute face;
Which brought some joy back to life.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Have to come home for……

What if I don’t come home one day?
And my babies wait and wait for me!
What if there is no way to go;
To seek my babies’ love for me?
Tis certain that they will know,
From every set and rise of sun,
That I no longer dwell with them.
Tis certain that they will feel,
Absence of me in soul and heart,
And feel alone in pale moments.

Once, in fact I lost my way,
And left babies at home to cry.
I searched the way but couldn’t find!
And let my feet just go its way.
They never knew that I’d gone;
And I could never hear their cries.
Can think and only dream of them;
And they waited for my return;
But in their heart I always dwell,
And in my heart they always dwell.

I always hope this journey ends ;
And I could dwell with all babies;
In a garden full of blossoms wild;
With streams of love to quench out thirst.

Monday, December 1, 2008

A smile from sky

A smile from sky

Worst turmoil strikes the world,
Fiscal face gives a droopy look,
A decade passed as records hold,
Since sky it self gave a similar look.
It marked conflicts and severe gripes,
And ruthless massacres of helpless blacks.

Now that Venus, Jupiter and moon align,
To smile at us from miles above;
Is it an omen of hopeful signs?
To clear the dark clouds now hover above.
May the cosmic merriment bloom our lives!
As nature lovers smile at smile that’s far at miles.

Why the east and not the west?
Had witnessed this atypical sight;
Why had sky smiled at east, not the rest?
Our wits should reach a greater height!
Fallacy draws unforeseen conclusions.
Soothsayers fill their bags at darker junctions!

The magnificent alignment as a smile of love,
Brought friends apart in same alignment;
And filled the hearts though far apart with joy and love.
Unforeseen to most is this love alignment;
Which strengthened bonds to last for years,
Till a similar smile brightens the sky in three decades.