Jeanne Calment , Shigechiyo Izumi , Sarah Knauss,
MarĂa Capovilla, Lucy Hannah , Marie-Louise ,
Tane Ikai ,Elizabeth Bolden , Carrie White, Charlotte Hughes,
Christian Mortensen, , Kamato Hongo , Maggie Barnes,
Crossed beyond a century for certain;
Had they consumed from cup of life?
Legends and tales speak of immortality,
But we see no man had made this far from time of magic.
Tyrants, warlords and great many kings,
Remained at the mercy of sorcerers as legends tell;
Hoping for a cup, water or stone to make them immortal,
To live through ages with power and glory.
Some were harsh and cruel, to weak,
And they for certain deserve not to live.
Such tyrannical stain had to be wiped,
To keep the earth pure and safe for all that live.
Little Eliza or her beautiful mother;
Had done no harm for a soul living or dead;
T’was an earthquake with no warning bell;
The little girl woke up to a day of sorrow;
She never knew her mom wouldn’t see the day.
If she’d known she must have kissed her,
More than a century’s kisses would fill.
Alas! She won’t see mom’s cute face in mornings to come.
Does she deserve a life so empty?
Does she deserve a plate with half the love served?
Only if we’re left with a choice we could decide,
Yet, it’s never a choice for us to make.
I too was hit by the same strong fist,
And I carried the pain throughout my life;
We now share a pain and a path,
That unite us, never to depart.
This is as usual the New Year’s eve;
And her mom’s birthday has hardly passed,
She’d seek good prayers from a friend always;
To commence the year in a holy way.
The friend waited in the hope she’d ask;
But this time she seems a little well off;
With a step or two closer to God;
She can now say her prayers at God’s gateway.
Eternity is now her path,
Friends who dwell here lets unite,
And pray for blessings for her good deeds,
And pray that she drinks from the sacred stream,
And pray she dwells in gardens blessed,
And hope one day that we can seek,
A path as blessed that she may seek;
And meet again in the gardens blessed.
Oh! Little Eliza cry thee less;
For we can’t say you should not cry.
Yet, be content you have good arms;
To guard you through your life ahead.
Though you feel your mom no more,
You live together in the words I wrote,
And she’ll live right there! In your heart,
As long as you can breathe on earth.