experience below

fini maizaan..the new horizon of poetry

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A mob of words

A mob of words

A mob of words revolted in my mind,
As I lay in bed with open eyes;
With urges to give them a true worldly life:
They didn’t spare me though it was the middle of night;
I sipped some tea to open my book of mind,
As I'd never let a word to think that I’m unkind.

Now I know that Milton, Shakespeare and Keats alike,
Would’ve spent more nights with open eyes,
As massive fleets of words awaited their mere command,
Till oceans' depth, length and width with curious eyes;
When I cannot hold my self from keying the words as they would like:
It’s just my fate that I would die with fewer words in my command, belike!

I wish I could bring more words to life,
Till my senses grow with open eyes:
If fate permits to get them a plot on earth,
As long as earth is earth and not of ashes:
May God offer them lot of love and a cherished life!
And let my offspring’s feel my love for them in every word’s life.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Storm

Eye of heaven dimmed at once,
As ferocious winds conquered the sky;
Uprooting most loved green trees on earth
And filling the sky with darkest clouds.

It seemed as doom was just next door,
As thunder roared more fierce than lions
And bolts of lightning burnt the earth;
Leaving no sign of hope ahead.